Data Governance
computer data means 'any representation of facts, concepts, machine readable code or instructions or information including text, audio, image or video that is in a form suitable for the processing in a computer system and is capable of being sent, received or stored; and includes traffic data or computer programme'.
To regulate cyber offences
The intent is to combat cybercrime by creating offences of cybercrime and provides for penalties, investigation and prosecution of the offences.
Key sections incude:
3. (1) A person commits an offence if the person intentionally, without authorisation or in excess of authorisation, or by infringing any security measure, accesses a computer system or any part of a computer system of another person.
4. (1) A person commits an offence if the person intentionally and without lawful excuse or justification, intercepts –
(a) the transmission of computer data or any communication of another person to, from or within a computer system; or
(b) any electromagnetic emission carrying computer data from a computer system.
(2) A person who commits an offence under subsection (1) is liable–
(a) on summary conviction to a fine of five million dollars and to imprisonment for three years; or
(b) on conviction on indictment to a fine of eight million dollars and to imprisonment for five years.
5. (1) A person commits an offence if the person intentionally and without lawful excuse or justification–
(a) causes computer data of another person to deteriorate;
(b) deletes computer data of another person;
(c) alters or modifies computer data of another person;
(d) copies or moves computer data of another person to a different location within a computer system or to any computer data storage medium;
(e) renders computer data of another person meaningless, useless or ineffective;
(f) obstructs, interrupts or interferes with another person’s lawful use of computer data; or
(g) denies access to computer data to a person who is authorised to access it.
Cybercrime Acts/Bills