Data Governance
This strategy is set out through a dedicated informative website and provides a road map of the planned work through to 2025 to achieve a fully digitalised Australian government.
Australians and persons doing business in Australia
"Geared towards the digital transformation of Australian government services so that government can become easier to deal with, persons can be informed and the digital capablilities of the government can be enhanced. This will allow for greater flexibility and less red tape when dealing with government.
Key Elements When certain live events occur such as births, deaths, applying for childcare benefits and applying for health records, one would need to deal with multiple agencies, government layers and complete countless forms or respond to different requirements. The Australian government intends to redesign services and remove the cost and inefficiencies of duplicate services across multiple agencies and layers of government. The Australian Digital Council is bringing together ministers who are responsible for data and digital transformation across federal, state and territory governments. This collaboration will drive smarter service delivery and improve policy outcomes on data and digital transformation initiatives.
Data Integration Partnership for Australia To drive better use of data, the government has invested in the Data Integration Partnership for Australia. The Data Integration Partnership for Australia links public sector data across multiple agencies.
The Australian Government Privacy Code (the Code) mandates all Commonwealth agencies to maintain the highest standards of privacy and security when handling personal information. The Code: • enhances existing privacy capabilities within agencies • builds greater transparency in information handling • fosters a culture of respect for privacy and the value of personal information. Since 22 February 2018, Australian Government agencies and organisations with obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 must tell you of certain data breaches under the Notifiable Data Breaches scheme. The Notifiable Data Breaches scheme introduced an obligation to tell individuals whose personal information is involved in a data breach that is likely to result in serious harm. This notification must recommend the steps individuals should take in response to the breach.
Developing modern infrastructure Digital platforms will play an important role in Australia's digital transformation. They will provide reusable, common business services to accelerate digital adoption across government. The Australian Government is working to build common platforms that make it easy to deal with government. They enable different agencies to work together and deliver joined-up services. This will also reduce the costs and risks to digital transformation. To make government fit for the digital age, Australia has recognised the need to learn from, and partner with, innovative companies from Australia and across the globe. It is transforming sourcing practices to drive more productive partnerships with businesses and introduce more competition. This also drives down costs. For example, the Digital Marketplace makes it easier for small and medium-sized enterprises to compete for government contracts.
Encouraging competition through the Digital Marketplace Australia is adopting policies that encourage competition. In particular, the aim is for Australian small and medium-sized enterprises that are innovative and flexible to be competitive in providing new services. The Digital Marketplace connects small and medium-sized enterprises with government buyers. The Digital Marketplace is increasing the opportunity for these businesses to compete for government contracts. There is emphasis on continuing to adapt the Digital Market place, so it remains fit for purpose. It will continue to provide value for money and reduce risk for the Australian Government in the evolving digital sector. "