Policy 2011 Online

Government ICT Strategy


United Kingdom


Definitions of Data:


Main Focus of Document:

Sets outs the strategic direction of central government ICT and the key actions that will be delivered over 24 months.

Target Beneficiaries or Sectors:


Key Elements:

Some key details incude: Reducing Waste and Project Failure, and Stimulating Economic Growth Government will ensure that technology requirements are considered earlier in the policymaking process. This approach will be supported by the application of lean and agile methodologies that will reduce waste, be more responsive to changing requirements and reduce the risk of project failure. The Government has implemented ICT spending controls to ensure that it spends taxpayers’ money more carefully. The ongoing controls on new ICT spending and the use of external consultants and contractors have already released significant savings. Additionally, the government will remove barriers to allow SMEs, the voluntary and community sector and social enterprise organisations to participate in the government ICT marketplace. Greater transparency and simpler channels for accessing data and government procurement tender opportunities will provide better support to businesses and open a fairer and more competitive market.

Creating a Common ICT Infrastructure The government will push ahead with its agenda for data centre, network, software and asset consolidation and the shift towards cloud computing. It will mandate the reuse of proven, common application solutions and policies. These solutions must balance the need to be open, accessible and usable with the growing cybersecurity threat and the need to handle sensitive information with due care. Cloud computing delivers infrastructure, platform or software as a utility service, giving government the capability to respond to changing operational needs. The standardised cloud platform will also allow developers, especially SMEs, to generate innovative solutions. The government will create a common and secure ICT infrastructure based on a suite of agreed, open standards which will be published and updated. The use of common standards can make ICT solutions fully interoperable to allow for reuse, sharing and scalability across organisational boundaries into local delivery chains. The adoption of compulsory open standards will help government to avoid lengthy vendor lock-in, allowing the transfer of services or suppliers without excessive transition costs, loss of data or significant functionality. The requirements of cyber-security and information assurance will be embedded in the common ICT infrastructure. Green ICT standards that are pivotal to the delivery of improved cost efficiencies will also be factored into the design, delivery and disposal of ICT solutions.

Using ICT to Enable and Deliver Change By standardising processes and creating transparent commercial models, the government will build a common, flexible ICT infrastructure. This ICT platform will enable the delivery of open, diverse and responsive public services for all. Easy-to-use, trusted and flexible online transactional services, such as student loans or Jobseeker’s Allowance, reduce the bureaucratic and time burden on citizens. Therefore, the government will work to make citizen-focused transactional services ‘digital by default’ where appropriate using Directgov as the single domain for citizens to access public services and government information. The government will use technology to break down barriers and engage with citizens and businesses, bringing innovation to the way in which policy is formulated and delivered. Through greater digitally enabled engagement and collaboration, the government will create and deliver policy in an open and accessible forum. This will enable citizens to influence, comment on and contribute to the decision-making process.

Cloud-based services Data Digital infrastructure Innovation Platform Procurement Transparency

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